
Coco Chanel 香奈儿女士的25句经典名言

这是一篇有关生活方式的创意文章攻略,标题为:Coco Chanel 香奈儿女士的25句经典名言,内容标签涉及 香奈儿 经典名言等几个方面。以下是详细步骤及攻略。

香奈儿 经典名言的相关内容目前还在不断整理中,感谢您的关注。

谈香奈儿我们直觉就谈到了时尚、时装、香水,她的辉煌成与品牌经营,不过我们却很少马上联想到关于 Coco Chanel 的个人魅力。在前不久的 8/19 正是 Coco Chanel 的 131 岁生日,先让我们暂时忘却这大牌子光芒,站在一个靠近的角度细细的品味,关于 25 句出自 Coco Chanel 历练人生后的经典名言吧!

1. Some people think luxury is the opposite of poverty. It is not. It is the opposite of vulgarity.


Coco Chanel 香奈儿女士的25句经典名言

2. The most courageous act is still to think for yourself. Aloud. 最有勇气的行为就是只想著自己。

Coco Chanel 香奈儿女士的25句经典名言

3. In order to be irreplaceable, one must always be different. 想要无可取代,就必须与众不同。

Coco Chanel 香奈儿女士的25句经典名言

4. You live but once; you might as well be amusing. 你生命只有一次,还是有趣点好。

Coco Chanel 香奈儿女士的25句经典名言

5. I don’t do fashion, I am fashion. 我不做流行,我就是流行。

Coco Chanel 香奈儿女士的25句经典名言

6. Only those with no memory insist on their originality.

Coco Chanel 香奈儿女士的25句经典名言

7. Dress shabbily and they remember the dress; dress impeccably and they remember the woman.


Coco Chanel 香奈儿女士的25句经典名言

8. My life didn’t please me, so I created my life.


Coco Chanel 香奈儿女士的25句经典名言

9. I imposed black; it is still going strong today, for black wipes out everything else around.

Coco Chanel 香奈儿女士的25句经典名言

10 . As long as you know men are like children, you know everything!


Coco Chanel 香奈儿女士的25句经典名言

11. I don’t care what you think about me. I don’t think about you at all.


Coco Chanel 香奈儿女士的25句经典名言

12. Fashion changes, but style endures. 时尚会变迁,不过风格会永恆。

Coco Chanel 香奈儿女士的25句经典名言

13. There is no time for cut-and-dried monotony. There is time for work. And time for love. That leaves no other time. 没时间让你感到枯燥乏味,因为时间都拿来工作与恋爱。

Coco Chanel 香奈儿女士的25句经典名言

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